ANU students and staff: share your experience

Everyone in the ANU community has experienced the COVID-19 pandemic in different ways. We are seeking your contribution so that we can document experiences of this time. Content of the ANU COVID-19 Digital Archive will support current and future researchers understand the impact of the pandemic.

Make your submission in the Open Research repository:

  • Login to Open Research Research repository using your ANU ID and password
  • Once logged in, choose the 'Start a New Submission' button
  • Select the collection to be 'ANU COVID-19 community digital archive' and click the 'Manual submission' button
  • Complete the form and submit your experience

For further assistance please refer to our guide for Submitting an item to the ANU COVID-19 Digital Archive (PDF, 610KB)

Submissions can also be made via email:

Please feel free to email us with any questions or issues as well.

Find out what contributions have already been made.