Building Highlight - Kioloa Coastal Campus

The ANU Kioloa Coastal Campus (KCC) is one of Australia’s premier field stations, occupying approximately 350 hectares. It is part of the Joy and Edith London Foundation, named in honour of Joy London and her mother Edith.  

Joy arrived in Australia from England in 1922 at the age of ten. Her mother and family, the Moore family, purchased the Kioloa property from William Walker in 1929. On 1 March 1975 Joy bequeathed her Kioloa property to the ANU for the purpose of teaching and research in the field sciences.  

The Kioloa Coastal Campus includes accommodation and research facilities to support short and long-term research and field work. The area is home to over 140 species of birds as well as Greater and Feathertail Gliders, Pygmy Possums and Golden Bell Frogs. Staff of the Kioloa Coastal Campus also work closely with the National Parks and Wildlife Service South Coast Shorebird Recovery Program. This work includes tracking of shorebirds and predators, finding shorebird nests, protecting shorebird nesting areas, erecting signage, and educating the public during nesting season. 



Australian National University Facilities & Services n.d., Kioloa Coastal Campus, accessed

Australian National University Archives, Joy London Papers 1874-1983, <


Joy London at Kioloa, undated (ANUA226-104).

Joy London at Kioloa, undated (ANUA226-104).

Opening of the lab at Kioloa, undated (ANUA226-104). Photographer: Graham Pike.

Opening of the lab at Kioloa, undated (ANUA226-104). Photographer: Graham Pike.

Standing at the summit of Kioloa, undated (ANUA226-103). Photographer: ANU Photographic Services.

Standing at the summit of Kioloa, undated (ANUA226-103). Photographer: ANU Photographic Services.

Research School of Earth Sciences Summer School at Kioloa, February 1989 (ANUA226-704). Photographer: Derek Corrigan.

Research School of Earth Sciences Summer School at Kioloa, February 1989 (ANUA226-704). Photographer: Derek Corrigan.

Friends of Kioloa Group, undated (ANUA226-104). Photographer: Richard Barwick.

Friends of Kioloa Group, undated (ANUA226-104). Photographer: Richard Barwick.

Aerial view of the Kioloa Coastal Campus, undated. Photograph courtesy of Australian National University.

Aerial view of the Kioloa Coastal Campus, undated. Photograph courtesy of Australian National University.