Vanuatu Resource Information System (VANRIS)

In June 1990, the Australian International Development Assistance Bureau contracted the Queensland Forest Service and the CSIRO to undertake the Vanautu Forest Resource Survey Project. The stated aim of the project was "to contribute to the national objective of the Vanuatu Government to plan and manage the country's forest and agricultural resources in conjusction with appropriate land use development and conservation strategies for the economic benefit of the Vanuatu people."

During the project a geographically-referenced micro-computer based planning tool called the Vanuatu Resource Information System (VANRIS) was developed. VANRIS integrates spatially referenced information for the entire country concerning the type, distribution and current use of the natural resources with population distribution.

The ANU Archives holds many of the materials from this project, including aerial photographs, maps, and reports.

Handbook developed for the VANRIS project (ANUA 605-59)

Handbook developed for the VANRIS project (ANUA 605-59)

Aerial photograph of Epi Island taken for the VANRIS project, August- October 1986 (ANUA 605-1)

Aerial photograph of Epi Island taken for the VANRIS project, August- October 1986 (ANUA 605-1)

Aerial photograph of Epi Island taken for the VANRIS project, August- October 1986 (ANUA 605-1)

Aerial photograph of Epi Island taken for the VANRIS project, August- October 1986 (ANUA 605-1)

Aerial photograph of Epi Island taken for the VANRIS project, August- October 1986 (ANUA 605-1)

Aerial photograph of Epi Island taken for the VANRIS project, August- October 1986 (ANUA 605-1)

Aerial photograph of Epi Island taken for the VANRIS project, August- October 1986 (ANUA 605-1)

Aerial photograph of Epi Island taken for the VANRIS project, August- October 1986 (ANUA 605-1)

Map of Epi Island showing the route taken by aerial photographers (ANUA 605-1)

Map of Epi Island showing the route taken by aerial photographers (ANUA 605-1)

Agricultural data used in the VANRIS project (ANUA 605-55)

Agricultural data used in the VANRIS project (ANUA 605-55)

Agricultural data used in the VANRIS project (ANUA 605-56)

Agricultural data used in the VANRIS project (ANUA 605-56)

User's Guide developed for the VANRIS project (ANUA 605-58)

User's Guide developed for the VANRIS project (ANUA 605-58)