Maritime Unions and the Peace Movement

Australia’s trade union movement has always been at the forefront of the peace movement, with the maritime unions taking a leading role, particularly in opposition to war, conscription, fascism, apartheid and nuclear weapons. 

The unions’ opposition to war was seen during the anti-conscription campaigns of the First World War, particularly through the Waterside Workers' Federation's ejection of its Secretary Ben Chifley over his pro-conscription stance. This opposition only grew during the Second World War, which is not surprising considering 1 in 8 merchant mariners lost their lives during this conflict. This loss of life was extraordinary and represented 8.5% of the union’s membership, a higher casualty rate than the Australian military. Forty four merchant Allied vessels were lost in Australian waters during the Second World War, including many torpedoed off the East Coast in 1942 / 1943 such as hospital ship M.V. Centaur which was torpedoed near Brisbane in May 1943 and S.S. Wollongbar which had been searching for survivors from the M.V. Limerick when it was torpedoed by the Japanese in April 1943 off the New South Wales North Coast.   

At its annual general meeting in 1948, the Seamen's Union of Australia declared its determination “to fight for peace on all fronts against any causes of war” (Kirkby 2008, p. 39). The SUA voted against any involvement in the Korean War and protested military involvement in Britain’s suppression of Malayan independence. The SUA and WWF strongly opposed the Vietnam War, and controversially boycotted ships transporting munitions.   

The maritime unions were supporters of the Australian Peace Committee and took a strong stand against nuclear weapons and testing. In 1995, following the French Government’s decision to resume nuclear testing in the Pacific, the Maritime Union of Australia under John Coombs’ leadership, placed a ban on fifteen French ships docked in Australian ports.  

Longtime SUA Sydney Branch Secretary John Benson was also Executive Secretary of the World Peace Council and one of the crowd of 1 million people who marched on the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament in New York City in 1982. MUA Queensland Branch Assistant Secretary Kevin Durnian received the Australian Peace Award and attended the International Peace Conference in 1986. 

During the 2003 Iraq War, union members were part of the 500,000 people across Australia who opposed the war and marched for peace. 




Department of Veterans' Affairs 2022, The Sinking of the Wollongbar II, DVA Anzac Portal, <

Maritime Union of Australia 2017, Vale John Benson, <>

Maritime Union of Australia 2018, Vale Kevin Durnian, <>   

Naval Historical Society of Australia 1975, 'Merchant Ship Losses in Australian Waters in WW2', Naval Historical Review, <


Waterside Workers' Port Kembla Branch members march for peace, c. 1960s.

Waterside Workers' Port Kembla Branch members march for peace, c. 1960s.

Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia Sydney Branch members demonstrate against the United States' invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs, April 1961 (Z432-86). Photographer - F. Murray & L. Shea Studios.

Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia Sydney Branch members demonstrate against the United States' invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs, April 1961 (Z432-86). Photographer - F. Murray & L. Shea Studios.

Waterside Workers' Federation members and supporters take part in peace rally, Sydney, New South Wales, 1980s (N409-128). Photographer - Zoe Reynolds.

Waterside Workers' Federation members and supporters take part in peace rally, Sydney, New South Wales, 1980s (N409-128). Photographer - Zoe Reynolds.

Seamen's Union members demonstrate against fascism, undated.

Seamen's Union members demonstrate against fascism, undated.

Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia badge 'No Neutron Bomb', undated.

Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia badge 'No Neutron Bomb', undated.

Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia Sydney Branch members march against conscription, c. 1960s.

Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia Sydney Branch members march against conscription, c. 1960s.

Seamen's Union members march for peace, Melbourne, Victoria, c. 1950s (N343-497).

Seamen's Union members march for peace, Melbourne, Victoria, c. 1950s (N343-497).

Seamen's Union members march for peace, Sydney, New South Wales, 1980s (N409-119-13). Photographer - Roger Donoghue.

Seamen's Union members march for peace, Sydney, New South Wales, 1980s (N409-119-13). Photographer - Roger Donoghue.

Wharfies march on May Day, Sydney, New South Wales, 1980s (N409-128-04). Photographer - Zoe Reynolds.

Wharfies march on May Day, Sydney, New South Wales, 1980s (N409-128-04). Photographer - Zoe Reynolds.