Solidarity with Indigenous Australians

Australia’s maritime unions have a long association with supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander campaigns for equity and land rights. As historian Diane Kirkby writes, trade unions such as the Seamen's Union of Australia and Waterside Workers' Federation had an inherent commitment to social justice and democracy for all Australian working people, placing them at the forefront of Aboriginal rights campaigns after the Second World War (2008, p. 112). Prominent amongst the campaigns supported by maritime trade unions were the 1949 strike by Aboriginal workers in Western Australia’s Pilbara, the 1966 Gurindji Strike (Wave Hill Walk Off) and the 1967 Referendum.

The WWF supported Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander causes through involvement in campaigns and through community projects. The Moa Island Bakery in the Torres Strait was funded by a national levy of WWF members, and in Dubbo, New South Wales, a cottage was built with WWF funds to house Aboriginal people visiting the local hospital or passing through the town when they were refused accommodation (Beasley 1996, p. 226). The WWF funded scholarships and donated to various campaigns, including a $10,000 donation to Gurindji leaders to fence land (Beasley 1996, p. 226).  

The SUA supported Aboriginal workers in various campaigns. In Western Australia, this included advocating to improve conditions for workers, particularly those on pearling vessels in the north of the state. In 1962, SUA members working on the coastal trader Waiben expressed their alarm at the deplorable conditions the Aboriginal people of Palm Island had to endure to transport cargo to the island, with the condition of the boats used meaning they “took their lives in their hands” (Kirkby 2008, p. 111). The union used its influence and funds to ensure that a new power cargo barge and jetty were constructed. These were small examples of the many ways that the SUA supported Aboriginal people and causes. The union maintained an enduring commitment to Aboriginal campaigns for fair working conditions and wages, equity, education and land rights.      




Beasley, M 1996, Wharfies: A History of the Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Halstead Press, Rushcutters Bay.

Kirkby, D 2008, Voices from the Ships, UNSW Press, Sydney. 


Wharfies march in support of Aboriginal rights, Sydney, New South Wales, 1967 (N409-124-01).

Wharfies march in support of Aboriginal rights, Sydney, New South Wales, 1967 (N409-124-01).

Waterside Workers' Federation Port Kembla Branch members march on May Day in support of Aboriginal rights, c. 1960s (Z429-101).

Waterside Workers' Federation Port Kembla Branch members march on May Day in support of Aboriginal rights, c. 1960s (Z429-101).

Papers relating to Waterside Workers' Federation support for improving the living conditions of Aboriginal people in Wyndham Shire, East Kimberley, Western Australia, 1971 (Z432-24a).

Papers relating to Waterside Workers' Federation support for improving the living conditions of Aboriginal people in Wyndham Shire, East Kimberley, Western Australia, 1971 (Z432-24a).

Seamen's Union members march in support of Aboriginal rights, Sydney, New South Wales, undated (K2831).

Seamen's Union members march in support of Aboriginal rights, Sydney, New South Wales, undated (K2831).

Page from a report by the Waterside Workers' Federation Townsville Branch condemning the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders Protection Act, c. 1970s (Z432-24a).

Page from a report by the Waterside Workers' Federation Townsville Branch condemning the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders Protection Act, c. 1970s (Z432-24a).

Waterside Workers' Federation members march in support of Aboriginal rights, c. 1960s (Z248-80).

Waterside Workers' Federation members march in support of Aboriginal rights, c. 1960s (Z248-80).

Waterside Workers' Federation members march in support of Aboriginal rights, Sydney, New South Wales, 1966 (Z248-81-14).

Waterside Workers' Federation members march in support of Aboriginal rights, Sydney, New South Wales, 1966 (Z248-81-14).

Waterside Workers' Federation members march in support of Aboriginal rights, May Day, Sydney, 1966 (Z248-80-10).

Waterside Workers' Federation members march in support of Aboriginal rights, May Day, Sydney, 1966 (Z248-80-10).